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Safety tips for corporate travelers

Do a bit of research

The majority of travel safety advice always revolves around the fact you have to do research.

Check up the essential information, such as the most recent news about the country, the culture and the people who live there, any laws or restrictions that travelers should be aware of, and every info connected to your destination that could simplify your movements around that country. Different websites or apps with travel communities (like the ones on Reddit,  Facebook, or Instagram, and forums and websites about traveling) may also assist you by offering practical advice about your destination.

Invest in travel insurance

Travel insurance safeguards your investment if you postpone or cancel your trip due to various circumstances, such as rough weather, political or social unrest, sickness, and others. 

When you travel for business purposes, it's common to carry sensitive work-related documents and a business laptop or other equipment. That is why most insurances also cover lost belongings or medical expenses incurred when traveling internationally.

Make a list of your contacts

In order to stay safe while traveling for business, it's essential to know who to call in case of an emergency. 

Before travel, store contacts of emergency medical services and embassies in the area you are about to visit. Learn how far these locations are from your lodgings and workspace. In addition, keep the contact info of your corporate manager or travel manager somewhere close if you ever need immediate assistance.

Protect important documents

Scan or snap photos of your travel itinerary, passport, travel visa, identity documents, hotel reservations, travel insurance information, and important travel documents. Try to keep them in another bag or online storage service.  Never disclose the original copies to anybody, and keep your passport hidden at all times.

Be medically prepared 

It's good to be informed about the location of the nearest hospitals or medical centers. It goes without saying that this is especially crucial if you have medical issues or diseases that call for more than just basic first aid equipment.

If you use any prescription medications, make sure you don't lack any of them. In fact, carry enough in case your return home is delayed. You should also be familiar with the policies of your employer and/or insurance because this will be important when looking for and paying for any medical care during the course of your travel.

Pay attention to your luggage

Wait until the person in front of you has finished the security check before placing your luggage on the conveyor belt to be scanned. Keep any contact information on your bags hidden from view.

When you are on a plane and not using your laptop, place it under the seat in front of you, not in the overhead container where it may be damaged or robbed.

Get to know the specifics of the area/neighborhood where you will be staying

There are one or more "tough parts of town" in every city, depending on where you are going. Learn about these “dangerous” areas in advance to prevent unforeseen events if you check into the hotel or dine at restaurants in these zones.

When looking for a hotel, try to book one with security on duty around the clock, and try not to book hotels near radical political or religious groups' headquarters or embassies. Locations near the conference or meeting are usually your best bet as the organizers have security as top priority. Luckily, the Travelspot app has a feature to find accommodation near the venue and in case you are still unsure about the neighborhood’s safety, you can always reach out to your Travelspot agent.

Be aware of travel scams

Sadly, travel scamming is rather popular in most of the globe, and travelers are typically considered easy prey. Therefore, check before you depart to ensure you are familiar with the specific and popular scams. Additionally, you may ask other travelers for safety advice and read articles about travel experiences in that area to have a better insight into what experienced fraudsters are doing. In that way, you can raise your awareness to avoid unwanted situations.

Remain in the group

Although traveling for business is frequently done alone, try to stay with your coworkers when you can if you are traveling with them. It is easier to prevent molestation, robbery, and other safety issues by remaining in a group.

If you find yourself traveling alone, stick close to other groups to give the impression that you are a part of them.

Work with a virtual private network

When working from a foreign country, you should always utilize a VPN (Virtual Private Network), whether working from your accommodation or a coffee shop. This safeguards your work data while also preventing easy access to your laptop, mainly when utilizing open networks and public wifi.

Aim to blend in with locals

Try not to appear like a tourist when you are in another country. If you and your team come with extremely appealing jewelry, clothes, shoes, or pricey luggage, you will stand out and draw attention. However, standing out puts you at risk of being the main target for vendors raising the price of items they sell simply because they concluded you’re wealthy. Also, you could become a target for robbers or pickpockets, so it is important to be on your guard. 


A lot of tension is naturally reduced when you are confident in the safety of your travels. Then, you can easily perform your formal duties and enjoy exploring the neighborhood if you have time for it.

What do you think? 

If you have any questions or additional eagerness for knowledge about how to stay safe on your trip and how we can help, feel free to contact us. 

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